Omega VERT Slow Juicer VSJ843QS Square Version Silver オメガスロージューサー [並行輸入品]

Omega VERT Slow Juicer VSJ843QS Square Version Silver オメガスロージューサー [並行輸入品]

コンパクトデザイン •効率の良いジューサー •酸化を遅らせるタイプ •The *NEW* Omega Vert Model VSJ843QS Juicer low speed 43RPM squeezing juicer system. ••The new motor rotates at 43 revolutions per minute (RPM) approximately 50% the speed of the original vertical masticating (low speed) juicers. ••The tighter fit tolerance of the new dual-edge auger strains more juice and breaks down fiber to a palatable level for a smoother nutrient-dense juice. •• This gentle squeezing action keeps healthy enzymes intact; reduces heat build-up delays the oxidation process and increasing the juice's shelf life. •• Squeeze juice from fruits vegetables leafy greens even wheatgrass. Make nut milks. The AUTO-CLEANING system keeps the screen clear increasing the machines efficiency. After you are finished juicing the AUTO-CLEANING system minimizes the clean-up process. The vertical design is compact contemporary and productive. With the Omega VSJ843QS form and function combine to give you the highest degree of extraction and the healthiest possible juice. The VSJ843QS Juicer is the newest lowest speed vertical masticating juicer in Omega's offering.



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